After Alexander’s death in 323 BC, his empire was divided between his generals. This custom made Ptolemaic politics confusingly incestuous, and the later Ptolemies were increasingly feeble. The figure also exemplifies the fusing of Greek and Egyptian art. The aforementioned inscription regarding the priests of Mandulis shows that some Nubian leaders at least were paying tribute to the Ptolemaic treasury in this period. Based on an inscription in several of the earliest surviving manuscripts, it is traditionally credited to Agathodaemon of Alexandria . . In many respects, the Egyptian religion thrived: temples became centers of learning and literature in the traditional Egyptian style. Egypt had only three main Greek cities—Alexandria, Naucratis, and Ptolemais. The Ptolemaic Kingdom (; Ancient Greek: Πτολεμαϊκὴ βασιλεία, Ptolemaïkḕ Basileía) [4] was a Hellenistic kingdom based in Egypt.It was ruled by the Ptolemaic dynasty which started with Ptolemy I Soter's accession after the death of Alexander the Great in 323 BC and which ended with the death of Cleopatra VII and the Roman conquest in 30 BC. Ptolemy I died in 283 BC at the age of 84. [65] The Ptolemaic navy also protected the kingdom's lucrative maritime trade and engaged in antipiracy measures, including along the Nile. Ancient Egypt - Ancient Egypt - Macedonian and Ptolemaic Egypt (332–30 bce): In the autumn of 332 bce Alexander the Great invaded Egypt with his mixed army of Macedonians and Greeks and found the Egyptians ready to throw off the oppressive control of the Persians. After this defeat Egypt formed an alliance with the rising power in the Mediterranean, Rome. In 312 BC, allied with Seleucus, the ruler of Babylonia, he defeated Demetrius, the son of Antigonus, in the battle of Gaza. They were partly spread as allotment-holders over the country, forming social groups, in the country towns and villages, side by side with the native population, partly gathered in the three Greek cities, the old Naucratis, founded before 600 BC (in the interval of Egyptian independence after the expulsion of the Assyrians and before the coming of the Persians), and the two new cities, Alexandria by the sea, and Ptolemais in Upper Egypt. The Ptolemaic Egypt is a major power of the Mediterranean Sea, occupying territory in North Africa, Middle East and Cyprus. Not to be confused with Category:Ptolemy's 3rd African Map, covering maps of Egypt made upon the lines established by Claudius Ptolemy's Geography. Women are portrayed as more youthful, and men begin to be portrayed in a range from idealistic to realistic. Early in 331 BC he was ready to depart, and led his forces away to Phoenicia. Ptolemy's first wife, Arsinoe I, daughter of Lysimachus, was the mother of his legitimate children. Their marriage was only nominal, however, and their relationship soon degenerated. During Alexandria's brief literary golden period, c. 280–240 BC, the Library subsidized three poets—Callimachus, Apollonius of Rhodes, and Theocritus—whose work now represents the best of Hellenistic literature. Ancient Egypt - Ancient Egypt - Government and conditions under the Ptolemies: The changes brought to Egypt by the Ptolemies were momentous; the land’s resources were harnessed with unparalleled efficiency, with the result that Egypt became the wealthiest of the Hellenistic kingdoms. "Queen Arsinoë II, the Maritime Aphrodite and Early Ptolemaic Ruler Cult". Nevertheless, the Greeks always remained a privileged minority in Ptolemaic Egypt. The Ptolemaic Dynasty ruled Egypt and much of the eastern Mediterranean basin for nearly 300 years. [70] The navy reached its height following the victory of Ptolemy II during the First Syrian War (274–271 BC), succeeding in repelling both Seleucid and Macedonian control of the eastern Mediterranean and the Aegean. Nevertheless, the Ptolemies remained generally supportive of the Egyptian religion, which always remained key to their legitimacy. As Ptolemy I Soter ("Saviour"), he founded the Ptolemaic dynasty that was to rule Egypt for nearly 300 years. By Cleopatra's time, Rome had achieved a massive amount of influence over Egyptian politics and finances to the point that the Roman senate was eventually declared the guardian of the Ptolemaic Dynasty by Cleopatra's father, Ptolemy XII, who had paid vast sums of Egyptian wealth and resources in tribute to the Romans in order to regain and secure his throne following the rebellion and brief coup led by his older daughters, Tryphaena and Berenice IV. Scenes were often framed with textual inscriptions, with a higher text to image ratio than seen previously during the New Kingdom. At the Great Harbor's mouth, on an outcropping of Pharos, stood the lighthouse, built c. 280 BC. [citation needed] Naucratis, therefore, in spite of its general Hellenic character, had an Egyptian element. Perdiccas appointed Ptolemy, one of Alexander's closest companions, to be satrap of Egypt. Nevertheless, his ministers were able to make serious preparations to meet the attacks of Antiochus III the Great on Coele-Syria, and the great Egyptian victory of Raphia in 217 BC secured the kingdom. A Macedonian general by the name of Ptolemy, who had been with Alexander in Egypt, declared himself satrap of Egypt. In the summer of 47 BC, having married her younger brother Ptolemy XIV, Cleopatra embarked with Caesar for a two-month trip along the Nile. In 311 BC, a peace was concluded between the combatants, but in 309 BC war broke out again, and Ptolemy occupied Corinth and other parts of Greece, although he lost Cyprus after a naval battle in 306 BC. The Romans, like the Ptolemies, respected and protected Egyptian religion and customs, although the cult of the Roman state and of the Emperor was gradually introduced. Memphis, while no longer the center of power, became the second city after Alexandria, and enjoyed considerable influence; its High Priests of Ptah, an ancient Egyptian creator god, held considerable sway among the priesthood and even with the Ptolemaic kings. [38] Temples were models of the cosmic world with basic plans retaining the pylon, open court, hypostyle halls, and dark and centrally located sanctuary. Cosmopolitan and flourishing, Alexandria possessed a varied population of Greeks, Egyptians and other Oriental peoples, including a sizable minority of Jews, who had their own city quarter. He was succeeded by his infant son Ptolemy VI Philometor. The Ptolemies also relied on the military to assert and maintain their control over Egypt, often by virtue of their presence. A. Framed in by the barren hills of the Nile Valley and the Egyptian sky, here a Greek city arose, with its public buildings and temples and theatre, no doubt exhibiting the regular architectural forms associated with Greek culture, with a citizen-body Greek in blood, and the institutions of a Greek city. Ptolemy marched triumphantly into the heart of the Seleucid realm, as far as Babylonia, while his fleets in the Aegean Sea made fresh conquests as far north as Thrace. Aside from the name of the king, there are other features that specifically date this to the Ptolemaic period. Following the Syrian Wars with the Seleucid Empire, a rival Hellenistic state, the Ptolemaic Kingdom stretched it's territories from eastern Libya to the Sinai and northern Nubia. Serapis was the patron god of Ptolemaic Egypt, combining the Egyptian gods Apis and Osiris with the Greek deities Zeus, Hades, Asklepios, Dionysos, and Helios; he had powers over fertility, the sun, funerary rites, and medicine. [34] Coins from this period also show Arsinoe II with a diadem that is solely worn by goddesses and deified royal women. Their naval forces met at Actium, where the forces of Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa defeated the navy of Cleopatra and Antony. Once he reached adulthood Epiphanes became a tyrant, before his early death in 180 BC. It was attached, in the administrative system, to the Saïte nome. Roman Egypt became one of Rome's richest provinces and a center of Hellenistic culture, with Greek remaining the main language of government until the Muslim conquest in 641 AD. Two depictions of Arsinoe II. [60] The core of the army consisted of cavalry and infantry; as under Alexander, cavalry played a larger role both numerically and tactically, while the Macedonian phalanx served as the primary infantry formation. Kriegk.))' Many rulers also promoted individual cults of personality, including celebrations at Egyptian temples. (Columbia Studies in Classical Tradition, Vol. The only Ptolemaic Queens to officially rule on their own were Berenice III and Berenice IV. [77] Accordingly, naval forces were divided into four fleets: the Alexandrian,[78] Aegean,[79] Red Sea,[80] and Nile River.[81]. From Wikimedia Commons, the free media repository, Egypt - Phoenicia - Palestine (Kiepert, Atlas Antiquus - Map 3).jpg, 1123 of '(F. C. Schlosser's Weltgeschichte für das deutsche Volk. After her repudiation he followed Egyptian custom and married his sister, Arsinoe II, beginning a practice that, while pleasing to the Egyptian population, had serious consequences in later reigns. Located 30 kilometres (19 mi) west of the Nile's westernmost mouth, the city was immune to the silt deposits that persistently choked harbors along the river. With his death, Rome split between supporters of Mark Antony and Octavian. For example, the faience sistrum inscribed with the name of Ptolemy has some deceptively Greek characteristics, such as the scrolls at the top. [27] Early portraits of the Ptolemies featured large and radiant eyes in association to the rulers’ divinity as well as general notions of abundance.[41]. Cleopatra V did co-rule, but it was with another female, Berenice IV. Cleopatra's children by Antony were spared by Octavian and given to his sister (and Antony's Roman wife) Octavia Minor, to be raised in her household. Media in category "Maps of Ptolemaic Egypt" The following 62 files are in this category, out of 62 total. Vines from regions like Crete were planted in Egypt in an attempt to produce Greek wines. Decorations on the first pylon of the Temple of Isis at Philae emphasise the Ptolemaic claim to rule the whole of Nubia. [9], The Ptolemaic reign in Egypt is one of the best-documented time periods of the Hellenistic era, due to the discovery of a wealth of papyri and ostraca written in Koine Greek and Egyptian.[10]. To this end the Roman administration made no change to the Ptolemaic system of government, although Romans replaced Greeks in the highest offices. MONEY IN PTOLEMAIC EGYPT When Alexander the Great conquered Egypt he introduced coinage into a country whose economy and administration had worked with-out it for millennia. Nevertheless, different nationalities were trained to fight together, and most officers were of Greek or Macedonian origin, which allowed for a degree of cohesion and coordination. Soldiers served in several units of the royal guard and were mobilized against uprisings and dynastic usurpers, both of which became increasingly common. Outside of Egypt, the Ptolemies exercised control over Greek cities in Cyrenaica, Cyprus, and on the coasts and islands of the Aegean, but they were smaller than Greek poleis in Egypt. In 305 BC, Ptolemy took the title of King. Knowing that she would be taken to Rome to be paraded in Octavian's triumph (and likely executed thereafter), Cleopatra and her handmaidens committed suicide on 12 August 30 BC. He spent lavishly on making Alexandria the economic, artistic and intellectual capital of the Hellenistic world. It passed, with the rest of Egypt, into Roman hands in 30 BC, and became the second city of the Roman Empire. Ptolemaic Egypt began when Ptolemy I Soter invaded Egypt and declared himself Pharaoh of Egypt in 305 BC and ended with the death of queen Cleopatra VII of Egypt and the Roman conquest in 30 BC.The Ptolemaic Kingdom was a powerful Hellenistic state, extending from southern Syria in the east, to Cyrene to the west, and south to the frontier with Nubia. [24] For the first hundred and fifty years of its existence, the library drew the top Greek scholars from all over the Hellenistic world. It is based on the description contained in Ptolemy 's book Geography, written c. 150. They lived under Greek law, received a Greek education, were tried in Greek courts, and were citizens of Greek cities. [23] The chief librarian served also as the crown prince's tutor. [54] Egyptian soldiers also enjoyed a socioeconomic status higher than the average native. The relief represents the interaction between the Ptolemaic kings and the Egyptian deities, which legitimized their rule in Egypt . [88] Arabs in the Ptolemaic kingdom had provided camel convoys to the armies of some Ptolemaic leaders during their invasions, but they had allegiance to none of the kingdoms of Egypt or Syria, and they managed to raid and attack both sides of the conflict between the Ptolemaic Kingdom and its enemies. [citation needed]. Ptolemy IV continued this tradition by holding his own synod at Memphis in 217 BC, after the victory celebrations of the Fourth Syrian War. Philometor's younger brother (later Ptolemy VIII Physcon) was installed as king by the Ptolemaic court in Alexandria. Further outrage followed at the donations of Alexandria ceremony in autumn of 34 BC in which Tarsus, Cyrene, Crete, Cyprus, and Judaea were all to be given as client monarchies to Antony's children by Cleopatra. Seleucus II Callinicus kept his throne, but Egyptian fleets controlled most of the coasts of Anatolia and Greece. During the interval between the death of Alexander and Ptolemy's assumption of the style of king, it even issued an autonomous coinage. Thompson (Hg. Wine production increased dramatically during the Ptolemaic period, as the new Greek ruling class greatly preferred wine to the beer traditionally produced in Egypt. The result of this synod was the Raphia Decree, issued on 15 November 217 BC and preserved in three copies. One of the unique and often misunderstood aspects of the Ptolemaic dynasty is how and why it never became Egyptian. The navy was relegated primarily to a protective and antipiracy role for the next two centuries, until its partial revival under Cleopatra VII, who sought to restore Ptolemaic naval supremacy amid the rise of Rome as a major Mediterranean power. When Mark Antony seemed to prevail, Cleopatra supported him and, shortly after, they too became lovers and eventually married in Egypt (though their marriage was never recognized by Roman law, as Antony was married to a Roman woman). Ptolemy I Soter, (born 367/366 bc, Macedonia—died 283/282, Egypt), Macedonian general of Alexander the Great, who became ruler of Egypt (323–285 bc) and founder of the Ptolemaic dynasty, which reigned longer than any other dynasty established on the soil of the Alexandrian empire and only succumbed to the Romans in 30 bc. By now Rome was the arbiter of Egyptian affairs, and annexed both Libya and Cyprus. While ruling Egypt, the Ptolemaic Dynasty built many Greek settlements throughout their Empire, to either Hellenize new conquered peoples or reinforce the area. The Ptolemaic Kingdom was a Hellenistic kingdom founded in Egypt by Ptolemy I Soter and was ruled by the Ptolemaic dynasty which started with his accession after the death of Alexander the Great in 323 BC. This book is the first to explore the impact of The left is in the more traditional Egyptian style, and the right is in a more Hellenistic style. Most distinctively is the color of the faience. Ptolemy III Euergetes ("the Benefactor") succeeded his father in 246 BC. [83] Greeks soon became the dominant elite; native Egyptians, though always the majority, generally occupied lower posts in the Ptolemaic government. Cippi during the Ptolemaic Period generally featured the child form of the Egyptian god Horus, Horpakhered. He left Cleomenes of Naucratis as the ruling nomarch to control Egypt in his absence. As Egypt came under foreign domination and decline, the Pharaohs depended on the Greeks as mercenaries and even advisors. A similar scholarly complex was the Museum (Mouseion, "hall of the Muses"). A thesis submitted for the degree of Master of Philosophy. [85] The Septuagint, the Greek translation of the Jewish scriptures, appeared and was written by seventy Jewish Translators who were compelled to create the translation by Ptolemy II. During this period, Greek troops under Ptolemy I Soter were given land grants and brought their families encouraging tens of thousands of Greeks to settle the country making themselves the new ruling class. Apple green, deep blue, and lavender-blue are the three colors most frequently used during this period, a shift from the characteristic blue of the earlier kingdoms. These included issues of large coins in all three metals, most notably gold pentadrachm and octadrachm, and silver tetradrachm, decadrachm and pentakaidecadrachm. Ruling for nearly three centuries, the Ptolemies were the longest and final Egyptian dynasty. The city enjoyed a calm political history under the Ptolemies. Greeks Conquer Egypt The Ptolemies came to rule Egypt after the arrival of Alexander the Great (356–323 BCE) in 332 BCE. [17] It is said that he borrowed the official manuscripts of Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Euripides from Athens and forfeited the considerable deposit he paid for them in order to keep them for the Library rather than returning them. But Mr. Edgar has recently pointed out that the building connected with it was an Egyptian temple, not a Greek building. Philometor eventually regained the throne. [42] Reflecting Greek preferences, the traditional table for offerings disappeared from reliefs during the Ptolemaic period, while male gods were no longer portrayed with tails, so as to make them more human-like in accordance with the Hellenistic tradition. The wealth of Egypt could now be harnessed for Alexander's conquest of the rest of the Achaemenid Empire. High quality images of maps. From the very beginning the Ptolemaic army demonstrated considerable resourcefulness and adaptability. When Alexander died, the Hellenistic empire died with him but separated into multiple nation states. [5] Ruling for nearly three centuries, the Ptolemies were the longest and final Egyptian dynasty of ancient origin. [49] The army was characterized by its diversity and maintained records of its troops' national origins, or patris. The young king was driven out by his mother in 107 BC, who reigned jointly with Euergetes's youngest son Ptolemy X Alexander I. As before, peasant farmers remained the vast majority of the population, while agricultural land and produce were owned directly by the state, temple, or noble family that owned the land. The navy operated throughout the eastern Mediterranean, Aegean Sea, and Levantine Sea, and along the Nile, patrolling as far as the Red Sea towards the Indian Ocean. Military leadership and the figure of the king and queen were central for ensuring unity and morale among multiethnic troops; at the battle of Raphai, the presence of Ptolemy was reportedly critical in maintaining and boosting the fighting spirit of both Greek and Egyptians soldiers. Ptolemy V Epiphanes, son of Philopator and Arsinoë, was a child when he came to the throne, and a series of regents ran the kingdom. Following Alexander's death in Babylon in 323 BC,[12] a succession crisis erupted among his generals. By the reign of Ptolemy III (246 to 222 BC), its role was more imperialistic, helping extend Ptolemaic control or influence over Cyrenaica, Coele-Syria, and Cyprus, as well as over cities in Anatolia, southern Thrace, the Aegean islands, and Crete. However, the Marble head of a Ptolemaic queen deified Arsinoe II as Hera. In 170 BC, Antiochus IV Epiphanes invaded Egypt and captured Philometor, installing him at Memphis as a puppet king. Through her offspring, the Ptolemaic line intermarried back into the Roman nobility for centuries. The Ptolemaic Kingdom (/ ˌ t ɒ l ɪ ˈ m eɪ.ɪ k /; Koinē Greek: Πτολεμαϊκὴ βασιλεία, romanized: Ptolemaïkḕ basileía) was an ancient Hellenistic state based in Egypt.It was founded in 305 BC by Ptolemy I Soter, a companion of Alexander the Great, and lasted until the death of Cleopatra in 30 BC. Although Egypt was a prosperous kingdom, with the Ptolemies lavishing patronage through religious monuments and public works, the native population enjoyed few benefits; wealth and power remained overwhelmingly in the hands of Greeks. But within a century, Greek influence had spread through the country and intermarriage had produced a large Greco-Egyptian educated class. [55], To obtain reliable and loyal soldiers, the Ptolemies developed several strategies that leveraged their ample financial resources and even Egypt's historical reputation for wealth; royal propaganda could be evidenced in a line by the poet Theocritus, "Ptolemy is the best paymaster a free man could have". Yet if they had no place of political assembly, they often had their own gymnasium, the essential sign of Hellenism, serving something of the purpose of a university for the young men. Over time, the Greeks in Egypt became somewhat homogenized and the cultural distinctions between immigrants from different regions of Greece became blurred.[84]. [5] The kingdom had a complex government bureaucracy that exploited the country's vast economic resources to the benefit of a Greek ruling class, which dominated military, political, and economic affairs, and which rarely integrated into Egyptian society and culture. Find local businesses, view maps and get driving directions in Google Maps. But Greeks continued to staff most of the administrative offices and Greek remained the language of government except at the highest levels. From the mid third century, Ptolemaic Egypt was the wealthiest and most powerful of Alexander's successor states, and the leading example of Hellenistic civilization. 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