Methodology, J Sex, gave a first indication of the clinical usefulness of the scale. Objective PLoS One. A higher score indicates more fatigue. Therefore, adaptations need not be made when the scale is used to gain global information on body image in non-clinical groups. Thus, the aim of this study was to develop and validate the Multidimensional Offline and Online Peer Victimization Scale (MOOPV). Because a five factor model was shown to be adequate for the German questionnaire, we investigated the fit of this model to the Dutch samples, aiming to obtain fit measures close to those of the German model. After four months of treatment positive changes in body image were observed. Recommendations. = 13.22). The BIS was devel-, oped to assess emotional investment in the body and consists of 24 items scored on a 5-point, tional investment. of life inventory. Gen Hosp Psychiat. Test-retest reliability was also adequate, although based on a rather small sample. Methods The subscale physical contact of the BIS comprises of six items with state-, ments like “I enjoy physical contact with other people”. A recent study using the DBIQ-NL in a broad clinical sample including mood disorders, anxiety disorders, adjustment disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, eating disorders, schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders [83] gave a first indication of the clinical usefulness of the scale. Gender differences with respect to specific, ]. Mean scores for the subscale physical contact increased slightly (.05) for the whole group when items 19 and 30 were deleted; the correlation between the original and adapted sub-scale was .92; Mean scores were .11 higher for women and showed a decrease of .05 for men. Adaptation of the model based on inspection of the modification, ], with findings from previous research based on the German, ], we refrained from applying this method in order, ], it was to be expected that the DBIQ-NL would, ]. University of Groningen, Department of Sociology, Groningen, The Netherlands, University of Groningen, University Medical Center, Rob Giel Research Centre, Groningen, The, University of Groningen, University Medical Center, Department of Psychiatry, Researc,, ] and our evaluation of our body in terms of functionality and vitality [, ]. Temporal reliability and construct validity were satisfactory. The literature search identified 62 tests of interventions (N = 3,846). a Dutch non-clinical sample. Body Image in Obese Women Before, During, and after Weight Loss Treatment, Development and validation of the Multidimensional Offline and Online Peer Victimization Scale. Internal structure, factor satisfaction, and reliability of the Body Cathexis Scale. We consulted the Medical Ethics Review Committee of VU University about the study, and the committee waived the requirement for ethical approval. Changes in body image during inpatient treatment for eating disorders predict out-,, Marco JH, Perpina C, Botella C. Effectiveness of cognitive behavioral therapy supported by virtual real-,, Rohricht F, Beyer W, Priebe S. [Disturbances of body-experience in acute anxiety, Aderka IM, Gutner CA, Lazarov A, Hermesh H, Hofmann SG, Marom S. Body image in social anxiety, Dyer A, Borgmann E, Kleindienst N, Feldmann RE Jr., Vocks S, Bohus M. Body image in patients with, Sack M, Boroske-Leiner K, Lahmann C. Association of nonsexual and sexual traumatizations with body, Wenninger K, Heiman JR. Regarding assessments a questionnaire showed clear differences in body image between patients and the general population. Multiple Sclerosis: Epidemiology and quality of life. With regard to gender differences in reported sexual fulfill-, ment it might be hypothesized, based on results from Dutch population surveys [, ual fulfillment is higher in men than in women. The Dresdner Ko, of 35 items, does not cover all aspects that form part of the umbrella term body, focuses on thoughts, beliefs, and conceptual aspects of patient’s body experiences in five differ-, ent domains: body acceptance, sexual fulfillment, the evaluation of physical contact, experi-, enced vitality, and self-aggrandizement, a measure of how the body is actively used in social, interactions to enhance self-esteem. Note: DBIQ-NL = Dresden Body Image Questionnaire, Dutch translation; Self-aggr. PMID: in female patients (AN/BN) and nonclinical participants. The factorial structure of the translated version was tested by confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). Relationships between men’s and women’s body image and their psychologi-, Tylka TL, Wood-Barcalow NL. Consequently, Byrne et al. In calculating means we limited missing values to one for all subscales and two for total mean scores. Applicability of this subscale still needs to be evaluated. We investigated the subscales’ internal consistency, and test-retest reliability. Since no reference is made in the BCS to physical contact, a subscale of the Body Investment Scale (BIS) [51] was used to establish the association with the subscale ‘physical contact’ of the DBIQ. The DBIQ consists of 35 items and five subscales: body acceptance, sexual fulfillment, physical contact, vitality, and self-aggrandizement. 2014; 64:93–100. Because of the multidisciplinary treatment no information is available on the specific contribution of interventions targeting body experience. First, we investigated the subscales’ internal consistency and test-retest reliability. In our analysis partial invariance was investigated by inspecting modification indices to determine which cross-group equality constraint most significantly contributed to lack of fit; the model was re-estimated after freeing that constraint and this process was reiterated as needed [77]. Data were obtained from two samples with a total of 988 (sample 1, n = 761; sample 2, n = 227) respondents between 18 and 65 years old, consisting of 583 (433; 150) women and 403 (326; 77) men (sex was unknown for two respondents). Krauss Whitbourne S, Skultety KM. Marijtje A. J. van Duijn, Ruud J. Bosscher, Durk Wiersma, Robert A. Schoevers. to measure sexual functioning in patients using antipsychotics. [76] introduced the concept of partial invariance in which only a subset of parameters in each subscale must be invariant whereas others are allowed to vary between the groups. However, when the focus is on gathering information with respect to, differences on the issue of physical contact across the sexes or on the theme of body acceptance. Results: Factor analysis resulted in a single-factor solution, both in the total sample and in the two subgroups, accounting for >76 % variance. Correlations between the subscales varied between, = .59. Invariance is a prerequisite for individual and group compari-. Rhemtulla M, Brosseau-Liard PE, Savalei V. When can categorical variables be treated as continuous? Also due to the limited number of affected items, partial invariance only slightly affects the differences between sex and age groups in mean total scores on the DBIQ-NL and subscales. Respondents rate the extent to which each statement is true for them on a 7-point Likert scale ranging from Yes, that is true to No,that is not true. Objective features of drawings of the body showed differences between the start and end of treatment, and this scoring method of drawings appeared not to be applicable for the general population. non-clinical sample enables further investigation of specific aspects of body image in middle-. Body acceptance and sexual fulfillment were the most differentiating aspects of body image between diagnoses. Yes Arch Neurol. Moreover, the correlations between the full and reduced scale and subscales were investigated, as well as, the change in standardized factor loadings. A multiple-group confirmatory factor analysis showed configural invariance. The Dresden Body Image Questionnaire (DBIQ) [29, 30] is a 35-item questionnaire with positively and negatively worded statements across five subscales: body accept- ance (e.g., “I wish I had a different body”), vitality (e.g., “I am physically fit”), physical contact (e.g., “Physical con- tact is important for me to express closeness”), sexual fulfilment (e.g., “I am very satisfied with my sexual expe- riences”), and self … Cash TF, Pruzinsky T. Body image. Supervision, Women and men were equally distributed across the two categories. Research shows that women are generally more preoccupied and dissatisfied with their bodies than men [33]. In view, of our aim to make an instrument available in Dutch language measuring body image as a, multifaceted construct in a non-clinical as well as in a clinical population, future research will, have to address a variety of clinical samples. A second option is to retain all items when the net impact of the differences on the total, the limited number of affected items, partial invariance only slightly affects the differences. the subscale body acceptance (with items 15 and 28 deleted) changed at most 0.04 points. Yes Correlation between DBIQ-NL and the Outcome Questionnaire (OQ-45) was -.51. © 2008-2021 ResearchGate GmbH. Patients with mental disorders, especially those with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), scored significantly lower on body image, with large effect sizes, in comparison with the healthy controls. J Sex Res. First, the five-factor model (without correlated errors) was estimated, using sample 1. esteem Scale. Conclusions: Conclusions Dysmorphic appearance concern includes intense concern and preoccupation with a perceived defect in appearance, as well as behaviors connected to this concern (e.g., camouflaging of perceived defect, avoidance of situations where defect would be exposed). Brown TA. Validation, n B. Exploratory structural equation modeling. J Hum Mov Stud. PMID: of fatigue in patients with multiple sclerosis. Mean scores for the subscale physi-, cal contact increased slightly (.05) for the whole group when items 19 and 30 were deleted; the. Internal consistency of the subscales (Dutch version) in a non-clinical sample was good, varying from Cronbach's α = 0.74 for the subscale physical contact to α = 0.91 for the subscale sexual fulfilment. Rosenberg M. Society and the adolescent self-image. In: Cash TF, Pru-, Thiel PP. ity in the treatment of body image in eating disorders: one year follow-up. Psychometric properties of the Dresden Body Image Questionnaire: A multiple-group confirmatory factor analysis across sex and age in a Dutch non-clinical sample. Total mean scores were hardly influenced by deleting items 15, 19, 28, and 30 with changes of less than 0.02 in size. Mia Scheffers. As the BCS does not include items on vitality the Checklist Individual Strength (CIS) [53] was used to establish the construct validity of this subscale of the DBIQ. Yes Jerome Gilliard. spectively. 44 respondents only completed the DBIQ-NL and did not fill in any additional questionnaires. 2009; Tiggemann M, Andrew R. Clothing choices, weight, and trait self-objectification. Negative body image is a common problem occurring in most patients with mental disorders. Body acceptance and sexual fulfillment were the most differentiating aspects, image between diagnoses. The development of the DBIQ was based on factor analytic evaluation of three German questionnaires measuring body image [38], namely the “Fragebogen zum Körperbild” (FKB-20) [39], the “Fragebogen zur Bewertung des eigenen Körpers” (FBeK) [40, 41] and the “Frankfurter Körper Konzept Skalen” (FKKS) [42]. After comparing the quality of the goodness of fit indi-, inventory, we judge the psychometric properties of the DBIQ-NL as sufficient to warrant fur-, ther research on the scale and its properties, in a Dutch clinical population. One characteristic of somatoform (DSM-IV) and somatic symptom disorder (DSM-5) is the troubled relation of patients to their body. Furthermore, high correla-, tions are expected between the subscale ‘vitality’ of the DBIQ-NL and fatigue as measured with, the CIS and between the ‘physical contact’ subscale of the DBIQ-NL and the comfort in touch, The factorial structure of the translated version was tested by confirmatory factor analysis, (CFA). Patients with conversion disorder scored significantly higher on vitality and body acceptance than patients with undifferentiated somatoform disorder and pain disorder. The impact of body image experiences: development of the body image quality, Cash TF, Theriault J, Annis NM. Antivir Ther. Body image has implications for psychosocial functioning and quality of life and its disturbance is reported in a broad range of psychiatric disorders. The importance of any violation of factorial invariance should be judged in relation to the intended use of the measure in practice [78] and may also be dependent on the number of affected items. Supervision, A comparison of robust continuous and categorical SEM estimation methods under suboptimal condi-, the best features of exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis. We investigated the subscales' internal consistency and test-retest reliability. Based on inspection of the modification indices, the following items were identified as con-, tributing to lack of strong invariance across sex: item 19 (“I do not like, item 30 (“I only allow a few people to touch me”), and item 15 (“I choose, the shape of my body”). These further evaluations should also pay attention to measurement invariance across sex and age. The validity and reliability of the Dutch version [50] are satisfactory. ]. Confirmatory factor analysis and analyses of variance were performed. No, Is the Subject Area "Age groups" applicable to this article? The subscale vitality correlated notably lower with the CIS in the younger group than in the older group. Furthermore, patients who achieved remission at the end of the treatment period also showed large changes in body attitude and body satisfaction, whereas patients not in remission only showed small changes on these domains. Background: Scores range from 10 to 40, with higher scores reflecting higher self-esteem. Effect sizes for the other outcomes were no longer reliable once corrections for bias were applied. In model, A, specifying ‘configural invariance’, the same factor structure is imposed on the two groups, (formed by either sex or age)In the next model (B), specifying ‘weak invariance’, the factor, loadings are constrained to be equal across groups. 2007; 14:288–. Multiple, RJ, Wiersma D, Schoevers RA, van Busschbach JT, (2017) Psychometric properties of the Dresden, Body Image Questionnaire: A multiple-group, confirmatory factor analysis across sex and age in. Higher scores indicate a more positive body image. To date, the Body Attitude Test is the sole well-researched self-report instrument measuring body image available in Dutch [24, 25]. Implications for the use of the DBIQ-NL and further research, The present study on the psychometric properties of the DBIQ in a Dutch non-clinical sample, shows a factor structure and model fit that are satisfactory and motivate further study. behavioral group intervention for body image disturbance in women with eating disorders. Data were obtained from 657 patients (67.5% female) with somatoform disorder (DSM-IV-TR 300.7, 300.11, 300.81, 300.82) and 761 participants (58.6% female) from the general population. vitality (e.g., “I am physically fit”), physical contact (e.g., “I do not like people touching me”), sexual fulfillment (e.g., “I am very satisfied with my sexual experiences“), and self-aggrandize-, ment (e.g., “I use my body to attract attention”, The development of the DBIQ was based on factor analytic evaluation of three German, acceptance .93, vitality .94, physical contact .83, sexual fulfillment .91, and self-aggrandizement, Note: R = scored in the reversed direction. reliability and construct validity were satisfactory. Franck E, De Raedt R, Barbez C, Rosseel Y. Psychometric properties of the Dutch Rosenberg Self-, Lambert MJ, Burlingame GM, Umphress V, Hansen NB, Vermeersch DA, Clouse GC, et al. Physical features of the drawings such as eyes, hands, size and angle of perception, were scored. Testing measurement invariance using the confirmatory factor analysis framework. J Sex Res. The RMSEA (Root Mean Square Error of Approximation), ]. 2001 Jan;37(2):189-97 (PubMed Abstract) Tiggemann M. Body image across the adult life span: stability and change. The only exception were men scoring slightly lower than women on the reduced physical contact subscale (d = 0.10). As a rule of thumb, RMSEA values less than .08 suggest adequate model fit and RMSEA values less than .05 suggest good model fit [71]. Confirmatory factor analyses showed a structure in accordance with the original scale, where model fit was improved significantly by moving one item to another subscale. thing about my body, I would do it”) might mean something different for the older age group, in light of physical impairments or other confrontations with unwelcome bodily changes. Is the Subject Area "Psychometrics" applicable to this article? Assessment of this complex relation to the body could be of great use in research and clinical practice. A revised 31-item model, from which the 4 items (items 15, 19, 28, 30) primarily responsible, for lack of invariance across sex and age were deleted, was evaluated. These observer ratings were correlated with participants’ responses on the Dresden Body Image Questionnaire (DBIQ-35) and with a single assessment by art therapists of the clients’ relationships to their bodies. revised 31-item model, in which the four items contributing most to lack of invariance across, Total mean scores were hardly influenced by deleting items 15, 19, 28, and 30 with changes, of less than 0.02 in size. Wiersma, Robert A. Schoevers, Jooske T. van Busschbach. The internal consistency in the present study was .87. Citation: Scheffers M, van Duijn MAJ, Bosscher RJ, Wiersma D, Schoevers RA, van Busschbach JT (2017) Psychometric properties of the Dresden Body Image Questionnaire: A multiple-group confirmatory factor analysis across sex and age in a Dutch non-clinical sample. Translation procedure . To date, the Body Attitude Test is the sole well-researched self-report instrument measuring, measuring body attitude in anorexic women. We performed multiple-group analyses with respect to gender and age after investigating the overall five-factor structure of the DBIQ-NL, because MG-CFA provides the opportunity to identify items that are non-invariant across groups. When fit-indices fall in marginal ranges, it is especially important to consider the consistency of the model fit as expressed by the various types of fit indices in tandem with the particular aspects of the analytic situation [69]. The model selection was, ]. Correlations between the subscales varied between r = .37 (sexual fulfillment and self-aggrandizement) and r = .65 (body acceptance and vitality), indicating the overlap between the subscales to be small to medium. Hopwood CJ, Donnellan MB. Therefore, the potential usefulness of assessments instruments from these disciplines were also examined. Results indicate that the DBIQ-NL is a reliable and valid instrument for non-clinical, This provides a sound basis for further investigation of the, The term ‘body image’ has been used to describe a variety of, ing perceptions, cognitions, affects, and awareness with regard to the. In order to gain more insight into this important issue, three domains of body experience - body attitude, body satisfaction and body awareness - and their associations with symptom severity of depression were studied pre- and post-treatment in a clinical sample of depressed patients in a multidisciplinary setting. Investigation, Methods Psychol Res Online. Factorial validity and cross-validation of the Body Self-Image Questionnaire (Short Form) in young adults. These further evaluations should also pay atten-. The extent of measurement invariance was evaluated in a series of three models.,,,,,, Mia Scheffers, Marijtje A. J. van Duijn, Ruud J. Bosscher, Durk Wiersma, Robert A. Schoevers, Jooske T. van Busschbach, Psychometric properties of the Dresden Body Image Questionnaire: A multiple-group confirmatory factor analysis across sex and age in a Dutch non-clinical sample, PLOS ONE, 10.1371/journal.pone.0181908, 12, 7, (e0181908), (2017). Data collection was done during an undergraduate course in measurement and statistics at, the Faculty of Human Movement Sciences, VU University Amsterdam, resulting in a conve-, nience sample. A confirmatory factor analysis was conducted [26] in a sample of 560 German patients with psychosomatic disorders (CFI = .90; RMSEA = .06, other fit indices not available). Models 2A-2C show measurement invariance tests for sex (2sA-2sC) and age (2aA-2aC) respectively. The Outcome Question-. The correlation between the full and reduced scale was .99. The model selection was performed by testing invariance by the Scaled Difference in Chi-Squares (SDCS) test [75] for nested models estimated with MLR. Inspection of size and consistency of factor loadings were, performed to further evaluate model fit [, This sequential model estimation procedure to study measurement invariance is used since, lack of strong factorial invariance will contaminate estimates of group mean differences [, It is widely acknowledged however, that the requirement of strong factorial invariance may be, too strict and unrealistic a goal for group comparisons. Internal consistency (Cronbach’s alpha) was 0.960. Based on the fit indices and considering that reallocating one item is an acceptable model change when an instrument is used in a different cultural setting or language [61], the adapted model was used for further evaluations. Een jaarverslag waarin u kunt lezen over onderzoeken en verbeteren van en samenwerken in de geestelijke gezondheidszorg in Noordoost-Nederland. The Dresden Body Image Questionnaire (DBIQ) was used to assess body image in five domains: body acceptance, vitality, physical contact, sexual fulfilment, and self-aggrandizement. Body Cathexis Scale. No, PLOS is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) corporation, #C2354500, based in San Francisco, California, US, 2003; 8:23–74. Furthermore, in a factor analytic evaluation of a preliminary version of the DBIQ, ]. patients with mental disorders: Characteristics, associations with diagnosis and treatment outcome. Ruud J. Bosscher, Robert A. Schoevers, Jooske T. van Busschbach. Another issue of importance in clinical samples is the intimate and for a substantial group of patients possibly trauma related nature of the subscale sexual fulfillment. SPSS 17.00 for Windows was used for general statistical analyses. 2014; 11:51–6. The psychometric properties of the DBIQ-NL were examined in a non-clinical sample of 988 respondents aged between 18 and 65. Bij het RGOc gaan die drie werkwoorden al 18 jaar goed samen. For item 15, the younger age group scores higher on average, whereas for item 28, the older age group scores higher. Nanotechnology affects many aspects of our lives. A multidimensional comparison with patients with chronic. CFI and TLI values in the range between .90 and .95 may be regarded as indicative of acceptable model fit [69]. on the terminological differentiation of various aspect of body experience. among different age groups, a score without the items violating invariance could be relevant. Goodness of fit indices of both models are shown in, modification indices for correlated errors suggested partly the same (between reversed items, 23 “I wish I had a different body” and 28 “If I could change something about my body, I would, do it”), and partly different correlated errors (between reversed items 24 “I consciously, touching other people” and 19 “I do not like people touching me”), as reported by Po, The best fitting model (Model 2) was further evaluated for measurement invariance in a. multiple group confirmatory factor analysis (MG-CFA) with sex and age as grouping variables. The correlation between the full and reduced sub-scale was .96. Another issue of importance in clinical samples is the intimate and for a, patients possibly trauma related nature of the subscale sexual fulfillment. The Dresden Body Image Questionnaire (DKB-35) measures 5 dimensions of body image: vitality, self-acceptance, self-aggrandisement, physical closeness, and sexual fulfilment. An SRMR between .05 and .10 indicates an, acceptable fit and values less than .05 indicate good fit [. For instance, they do not understand their bodily signals, persevere despite of pain or cannot accept their fatigue. Of the respondents included via students in the first course (sample 1 in Table 2) 361 (sample 1a) were asked to also complete the Body Cathexis Scale (BCS) [44], and 356 others (sample 1b) to complete the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSES) [57], the Checklist Individual Strength (CIS) [53] and the subscale ‘comfort in touch’ of the Body Investment Scale (BIS) [51]. The Media and Its Influence on Body Image As part of my A Level Health and Social Care Coursework I need to conduct and carry out a questionnaire as part of my research. First, three bilingual translators separately performed a translation. Afterward, participants were exposed to a series of thin-ideal images. The CIS is an originally Dutch language 20-item self-report questionnaire capturing fatigue in four dimensions: subjective experience of fatigue (“I feel tired”), reduction in motivation (“I feel no desire to do anything”), reduction in activity (“I don’t do much during the day”) and reduction in concentration (“My thoughts easily wander”) and has been used in a broad range of groups: healthy subjects, diverse groups of working adults, people with chronic fatigue as well as people with multiple sclerosis [54]., zinsky T, editors. This is in, line with the results of the principal component analysis by Probst et al. The present review used meta-analysis to estimate the effectiveness of such interventions, and to identify the specific change techniques that lead to improvement in body image. The correlations between the measures that were used for construct validation and the. Byrne BM. Body image., Editor: Rochelle E. Tractenberg, Georgetown University Medical Center, UNITED STATES, Received: September 21, 2016; Accepted: July 10, 2017; Published: July 26, 2017. DBIQ-NL: Item means and standard deviations sample 1; item means and stan-. In view of the lack of instruments, in Dutch measuring body image as a broad concept, we set out to make an instrument avail-, able that reflects the multidimensional character of this construct, sions than physical appearance. With respect to dimensionality found dresden body image questionnaire interpretation the CFA are provided in S2 Table: of... Control images is necessary to draw firmer conclusions, recent study using the original German version was specified ( 1! Was assessed in 59 obese women before, during, and self-aggrandizement to one for all subscales and two total... Interpretation of this, subscale still needs to be evaluated the reliabil-, Jong... Model C, Jansen a, Bentler PM the modification indices can used! 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