The hard data is scarce, but an Australian study has suggested around 1 in 5 children have a parent with bipolar.*. Family and friends may have attributed your child's difficult behavior to stubbornness or other personality flaws. They often do this without thinking rationally. Mental illness doesn’t automatically disqualify a parent from getting custody.It will, however, likely influe… This can give people more sense of control over their own care, and the important feeling that there's always a way back to normality and they're in charge of it. As the child of a parent with bipolar disorder, you’re at a higher risk for anxiety and depression, according to Manly. Because of this, even when the illness remains well-controlled, research indicates that in custody battles, the other parent prevails in as many as 80 percent of the cases by making mental illness a major focus. If a mother is receiving treatment for her bipolar disorder and is complying with her doctor’s treatment recommendations, she may be able to obtain custody of her children. Maintaining a strong support network of friends and family who are able to provide credible court testimony is vital. If your wife’s bipolar disorder has proven to present a threat to your child’s safety or well-being, then it will likely be considered when determining custody. This way it's possible to have conversations with the family about what's happening, so they can understand better, and as a group think about, for example, changing plans for the weekend, doing something less potentially stressful than shopping for new clothes. Bipolar parents in particular benefit from making time for those people who are solid support to their daily lives, whether that's at home or work, and ensuring they play a regular part in their routine and their thoughts. She is delusional, a pathological liar, and has severe anxiety. It is reasonable to think that, if one parent is diagnosed with and treating for such a condition, their mental health records would have to be turned over in the custody case. Receive our regular updates and advice sent straight to your inbox. This post looks into the challenges faced by parents diagnosed with bipolar disorder and provides some insight into how to develop a recovery plan inclusive of the well-being of their children. Mental illness includes conditions like antenatal and postnatal depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, depression, obsessive compulsive disorder and schizophrenia. Bipolar parents battling for custody need a strong ally in the courtroom who has successfully litigated custody cases for those with mental illness diagnoses. One reason for this is that the courts view mental illness as severe handicaps to effective parenting. Bipolar parents battling for custody need a strong ally in the courtroom who has successfully litigated custody cases for those with mental illness diagnoses. According to one advocacy group for those living with mental illness, a third of kids with a mother or father diagnosed with a serious mental illness like Bipolar Disorder are raised by someone other than that parent. Supporters can also form a safety network for the parent and child in the event of medical or other emergencies. A basic but important first step is to be able to recognise and anticipate what those mood changes are, what they feel like, what they look like for other people, and what the consequences might be. Likewise, if the mother’s moods are generally stable and she has not displayed any behaviors that would place her children at risk, the court might have no compelling reason to deny the mother custody on … We welcome the opportunity to meet with you personally to discuss your situation and answer any questions you may have. It's too easy (for any parent) to become fixated with minor behavioural issues in children - not listening, answering back - turning them into major reasons for concern and a cycle of stress, anger and punishment. ALERT: As a result of the current situation regarding Covid-19 (coronavirus), Family Law Group offers consultations via telephone or video chat (such as Skype or Facetime). Offices Conveniently located in Livermore & Walnut Creek, 1840 4th Street, Suite 200Livermore, CA 94550Phone: 925-344-3524Fax: 925-447-0272, 1990 N. California Blvd., Suite 600Walnut Creek, CA 94596Phone: 925-344-3524Fax: 925-447-0272. After establishing a series of many safe, successful visits with supervision, it is a lot easier to go to court and ask for some limited unsupervised visitations, eventually … So what can a Bipolar parent do when facing a custody battle? You know your children best. Being bipolar doesn't have to end your dream of becoming a parent. This attorney can insist that his or her client be independently evaluated by a forensic psychologist. This ranges from anxiety or depression to bipolar disorder to schizophrenia. The next step is to actually monitor and map mood changes. Pregnancy, My Baby, Psychosis & Me. This evaluation comprises financial, emotional, and physical considerations. Mental illness is a factor in determining child custody, but its impact on your child could be offset by other factors such as the relationship you and your wife have with your child, what the preference of the child is, and the closeness of each of you to your child’s school and other activities. One form of bipolar behavior that can negatively affect children is the symptom of poor judgment. The mother’s proposed parenting plan called for the father to have no visitation with the child. A section of the web resource is dedicated to helping each parent user to develop a plan based on what they would find helpful. The child of a parent with bipolar disorder needs to understand that what is happening is not their fault. Instead of taking the more enlightened view that mental illness can be successfully treated and managed with therapy and drugs, courts tend to err on the side of caution and rule against placing a child with his or her afflicted parent. Many parents going through a custody battle suffer from conditions such as clinical depression, bipolar disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder or a personality disorder. The reality star – … This is the manic form of bipolar disorder 1. Thus, parents with mental illness often avoid seeking mental health services for fear of losing custody of their children. Children with two bipolar parents are also at a higher risk of developing a mental illness than those with one bipolar parent. Sometimes therapists can provide safe space for short meetings as joint sessions between the children and parent. Parents with mental health issues should not be forced out of a child… Bipolar disorder often emerges before the age of 12 with extreme emotional swings between mania and depression. Unexpected events or problems come along and no particular coping mechanism or support from family is enough. What is possible and useful, however, is to prepare and plan for what to do when a relapse occurs. The custody of children in the UK concerns itself with parental disputes and is used to decide which parent will be mainly responsible for a child or children after a divorce or separation. Source:, “Surviving Custody Disputes as a Bipolar Parent,” K.H., accessed Sep. 04, 2015. Yet the stigma attaches to a Bipolar diagnosis more than to any other mental illness except schizophrenia. More information on the project can be found at:, Laura Wainwright, Spectrum Centre for Mental Health, Lancaster University. Although it’s true that bipolar disorder runs in families, a child with a parent who has bipolar disorder is still more likely not to have the disease … Custody usually depends upon who is the more NURTURING parent. If you'd be interested - or know of other parents who would be - please get in touch to find out more, by emailing:, or by speaking with Helen Vincent on 01524 594954. It's an important issue as evidence has shown that children who have a parent with bipolar are 14 times more likely than other young people to also experience bipolar symptoms, as well as ADHD and depression. While it's natural to be nervous or concerned about how well you'll be able to parent — and whether your children … Factors such as mental illness can cause the court to label a parent unequipped and result in lost custody privileges. It is certainly common in child custody cases to see one parent with a mental health diagnosis. Bipolar parents should cooperate completely and remain honest about their condition. Disclaimer | Site Map | Privacy Policy | Business Development Solutions by FindLaw, part of Thomson Reuters, New Client Information Sheet – Dissolution, Confidential Client Info and Child Info Sheet, Surviving Custody Disputes as a Bipolar Parent, Be prepared to break the news of divorce to your children, Kelly Clarkston, ex-husband tussle over child support, alimony, Collaborative divorce can reduce emotional pain and stress, Parental substance abuse can negatively affect your child, Child’s education is an important part of divorce discussions. Some state laws cite mental illness as a condition that can lead to loss of custody or parental rights. Open mobile menu Psychology Today * Falkov, A. This attorney can insist that his or her client be independently evaluated by a forensic psychologist. Data also shows children of parents with bipolar disorder are at a significantly higher risk for bipolar disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder. Contacting a local bar association is a good way to find a qualified attorney. If you need to talk, we're here to listen. It's another way of coming to terms with mood fluctuations and increase people’s sense of control of their mood experiences. Because of the general custom of giving custody to the mother, the bipolar father is usually seeking visitation. Second, the parent can insist upon a forensic psychological evaluation. Call our confidential helpline for advice and support. But it's important for parents to think about their traits in a positive way: all the benefits that can come from spontaneity, in making life fun for children, in providing new things to do. By separating fears from reality, you can better understand how to maintain or regain custody of your child (or children), and what role your mental health treatment program should play as you seek to keep your family together. They may disagree with your parenting skills , however, it is important to recognize and accept bipolar disorder for what it is - just another medical condition. In the case of bipolar disease, the impact is different depending on which parent has it. Sometimes life gets out of control. Is a parent with bipolar disorder fit to have full custody? © Family Lives | Reg company number: 3817762 | Reg charity number: 1077722 | Reg'd in England and Wales | Family Lives is not responsible for the content of external sites | Contact us | Privacy Policy | Cookies | Terms and Conditions | Accessibility, Email us for support Sian writes candidly about her pregnancy and bipolar diagnosis, and the message of hope she wants to give to any woman going through the same thing. For example, some parents experience postnatal depression in the weeks or months after having a baby. Bipolar Disorder patients rarely suffer from much distortion of reality, making the condition unlike most other mental illnesses in that respect. This brochure will help prepare you (whether you are the well parent, the parent with bipolar disorder, a grandparent or another adult in the child’s life) to take the first step. On behalf of Family Law Group, INC. | Sep 4, 2015 | Child Custody |. The father’s proposed parenting plan called for him to be the primary residential parent, with the mother having only supervised visitation. Poor judgment comes into play when the bipolar person is deep in the realm of a manic episode. For people with bipolar disorder those highs and lows can obviously be far more extreme, putting extra pressures and demands on families. Mental illness and child custody cases are a fairly common part of the divorce process for many couples. With competent legal counsel and medical and familial support, this battle can be won. In a custody dispute, the issue is not so much whether you're ill, but what effect your illness has on your child. Each parent and child’s “beginning conversation” about bipolar disorder will be different depending on the child’s age and ability to manage the information. For people with bipolar disorder those highs and lows can obviously be far more extreme, putting extra pressures and demands on families. Recognising and understanding behaviour, and how it is seen and impacts on other people, is an essential part of all aspects of coping as a bipolar parent. In a contested child custody dispute, if one of the parents suffers from mental illness, it is a factor to be considered in the court’s custody decision. In the video below, our Head of Professional Development and experienced child custody lawyer, Dr Bernard Andonian discusses this aspect of UK family law which is also outlined in this article. Your spouse would have the burden of proof in a divorce trial to establish not only that you suffer from bipolar disorder, but that when you experience mood swings, it endangers your child either mentally, emotionally or physically. Bipolar parents should cooperate completely and remain honest about their condition. More extreme moods will inevitably heighten the good times but also exacerbate problems during difficult situations or periods of family life when there are more issues to deal with, like bereavement, unemployment or moving house. This covers the main everyday issues: Some people with bipolar have high standards, or will sometimes act on impulse. Likewise, anxiety or depression can som… We're now looking for more parents living with bipolar disorder who can test out the web resources, and take part in a new study that will help us further develop the service, and provide better support for more parents. However the court is going to look at the totality of the circumstances regarding both parents to determine the “best interest of the children.” Get advice on all aspects of bullying, from online to bullying at work. Often, the mother will have concerns because of unpredictable behavior, terrible judgment and, frequently, substance abuse. The impact of parental illness on children – implications for practice, paper presented at the DoCS Research to Practice Seminar, Ashfield, NSW: March 8. Becoming a parent with bipolar. In all child custody cases, the court is required to determine whether both parents are capable of caring for the child. Not only can mental illness impact the outcome of your case, but court cases involving mental illness can also be more expensive.. Parental mental health is very important to the overall well-being of the children. It affects more families than might be expected. The parent must also maintain regular contact with mental health professionals who can monitor his or her condition and implement an effective treatment plan. For advice and support on dealing with bullying, Read our top tips if you are working from home and keeping a happy work life balance. Family Lives would like to keep you up to date with details of news, events and fundraising activities using the contact details you have supplied. They may begin to display episodes of very poor judgment. Overreacting to bad behaviour over time leads to problem relationships - or at least a perception of them. Prior to the marriage, the mother had been diagnosed with bipolar disorder. Primary custody, where one parent has the child most of the time and the other parent gets scheduled visits at regular intervals, such as every other weekend. KIM Kardashian will go for full custody of her four kids with Kanye West as the power couple call it quits in an explosive divorce, The Sun can exclusively confirm. DoCS Research to Practice Seminar, Ashfield, NSW: March 8. My daughter lives with her mother who is diagnosed with bipolar disorder. Parenting a child with bipolar disorder presents its own unique challenges. What will work best is entirely individual and based on personal situations and sources of support. If it’s unsafe or harmful for a child to be with one parent, that’s the most substantial way mental illness impacts child custody. When a marriage breaks down, child custody is a topic of great concern—especially for people struggling with mental illness. Most often, a family member or close friend can be trusted to serve that function. (2007). In the most extreme cases of "documented" domestic abuse in which the child (ren) were involved, the abuser parent may be denied custody and visitation. If you are a Bipolar parent seeking custody, it doesn’t have to be a futile effort. At the same time as being aware of the problems, it's important not to forget that many parents find their bipolar condition can be a positive thing, for finding the energy to have fun with their children, and creating a happy home environment. First, the parent can begin by retaining legal counsel that has represented parents with mental illness successfully in the past. There is a particularly dangerous unpredictability when it comes to child custody litigation if one of the parents suffers from Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD). Sole custody, where one parent has the child all of the time and the other parent either does not get to visit at all or gets to visit only on a very limited basis, such as occasional supervised visits. When determining custody, regardless of the factors involved, the courts put the best interests of the child ahead of all other concerns.This includes physical and emotional safety. It's an important issue as evidence has shown that children who have a parent with bipolar are 14 times more likely than other young people to also experience bipolar symptoms, as well as ADHD and depression. This evaluation examines a parent’s … A Mother’s Bipolar Treatment Affects Custody. As part of our research at the Spectrum Centre for Mental Health at Lancaster University, we have been developing a new web-based resource to help people deal with the range of situations and experiences they face. Please call our family law attorneys at 925-344-3524 or contact us online to arrange a consultation. Parenting is something of a rollercoaster experience. Mental illnesses are psychological and emotional disorders that affect the way people feel and behave. If she's responsible and working on positive changes in her life, then she might get custody. Courts weigh the parents’ mental and physical conditions when determining custody. Some people experience mental illness for only a short time. © 2021 Family Law Group, INC.. All Rights Reserved. The statutory provision of Minn. […] It's the kind of 'intense' behaviour that children can find unsettling and a challenge to live with - particularly if it means being expected to keep rooms immaculate, or constantly achieve top marks at school etc. Your bipolar disorder wellness plan, as a parent, should take into account both you AND your children. Parents with bipolar disorder need to spend more time focusing on the supportive relationships in their lives and less time on all the distractions presented by the problematic ones. To the marriage, the parent must also maintain regular contact with mental illness can cause the court to a... Process for many couples of becoming a parent with bipolar disorder are a... The primary residential parent, ” K.H., accessed Sep. 04, 2015 | child |... Bipolar father is usually seeking visitation highs and lows can obviously be far more,... Distortion of reality, making the condition unlike most other mental illnesses in that respect mother ’ s parenting! 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